Architectural Masonry
Through the years De Lank Quarry has maintained it popularity and desirability for Architectural Masonry

Skilled Masons
Due to our core of experienced Stonemasons at De Lank using our beautiful silver-grey granite, we are able to offer a range of finishes to the stone.
They are also capable of some remarkable shaping and detail, all to specification and all by hand

Machinery to Match
We boast an impressive production facility using the highest grade diamond tip blades on computerised and automated saws which allow us to cut large sections of stone with precision

Years of Experience
De Lank Quarry has been supplying our Granite Architectural Masonry since the 1800s, there remain countless examples that still sit perfectly in tact to this day.
Many of the original skills used to produce the finished stone haven't changed over the century and have been passed on through the generations

No Job to big
De Lank Granite is synonymous with some of the country's most impressive landmarks. From cladding the entire US Embassy and the new Thames Tideway scheme to replacing sections of paving for the Dorchester Hotel there is no job too big or too small